Dica do camarada blogueiro ABSTRATTO, lá no Poker Mania:
Thank you for signing up for the 2007 World Blogger Championship of Online Poker. We have checked your blog and confirmed you have posted your registration code. Now, there is only one more step before you play.In the coming days, you will receive a tournament ticket in your PokerStars account. You can find this ticket by clicking on "Requests" and "Tournament Tickets" in the PokerStars Lobby. On the day of the tournament, you will be able to use this ticket to register for WBCOOP.Remember, the tournament is October 14th at 3pm ET. To avoid a large number of players sitting out, we will open registration just a few hours before the event. You will find the event under Tourney/Special in your PokerStars lobby.If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at blogtour@pokerstars.com. Thanks for signing up. We'll see you on the 14th.
Trata-se de um torneio do PokerStars exclusivo para blogueiros no mundo todo. Você acessa o site, cadastra seu Blog informando sua conta no Stars, entre outros dados, e recebe uma string de comandos para "colar" no Blog (é... esse "Merchan" aí do lado). Em seguida, o pessoal do PS acessa seu site, checa se é um blog válido, ativo, e se está com o Banner, e pronto !
O torneio rola do dia 14/10. Pelo visto, são US$40K garantidos. Ueba !
terça-feira, 9 de outubro de 2007
Torneio de Blogueiro no PS ? ENGATEI !!
Rabiscado por
Marcog "unoturbo" Oliveira
10/09/2007 11:43:00 PM
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